lunes, 10 de junio de 2019


The sociology major has many years of life in this uiversity, but the curriculum and the way that it is organized has changed recently, so there are some aspects that could be changed in the major. Some of them could also be changed in the old curriculum, so maybe it is not that important.

Resultado de imagen para dormirIn first place, and this is very personal, I dream that the start of any subject couldn´t be so early like it is happening right now, in my situation is very hard for me to wake up and go to the university. And that finally affect me so hard in my daily routine that if I dont sleep well, like eight hours, my day is dead. So if I wold have to change something about the major it would be the hour of the start class. I think that go to a class at 8:30 am is a crazy thing, start at 10:15 is acceptable, but now, almost finished the semester is impossible for me. 
Resultado de imagen para libros
In second place, and more specified to the major and the teaching methods, I would chance some lessons that the teachers give, in some cases the class that the teachers gives is like a "reading" some of texts that they demand us to read, and it is not a cooperative between them, like I think that it most be, like a combination of the knowledge and pratice of the teacher and all the important things of the texts. If all lessons are like the first case I do ot have the need to go to the university, because I could learn all that the teachers are saying in the books, and maybe some assistanship that could guide me.

4 comentarios:

  1. if I dont sleep well, like eight hours, my day is dead. feel you bro

  2. You are right! I hope at the future our classes will not start as early as nowadays

  3. I'm agree wih the early class part! I would love to wake up more late

  4. it's real! I consider it important that the teachers give us tools to complement our readings!
