lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Diego Lorenzini

Diego Lorenzini is a chilean singer, born in Talca. He is famous for his music that could be recognise for his slow sound and frecuently only be acompannied with a guitar, wich  also is played by himself.
He have a lot of singles, but he only have two discs "Pino" and "Trenzas Ad Honrem".
Also he have two known bands, "Tus Amigos Nuevos" and "Varios Artistas", the first one I liked very much. First I knew Tus Amigos Nuevos, and then I met Diego Lorenzini, wich was the vocalist of that band.

Resultado de imagen para diego lorenziniI knew Diego Lorenzini for a web serie called "Tiempos Mozos" wich had like them a song by Lorenzini, also called "Tiempos Mozos". I liked very much this song, so I looked for him in Youtube, and i loved him. Then I discovered that he was the vocalist of "Tus Amigos Nuevos", a band that I listened a lot in that time, wich have a sound very different in comparison with Diego Lorenzini. I even could listened them in a concert, and they were great, it was a very vibrant show.

Diego Lorenzi apart of been a musician he is a great cartoonist, he also makes his own album cover. Wich is known for the simple that it is made. Apart of been known for his music and drawings he is known because he walked with a turtle from Talca to Santiago to write and draw about that experience.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Pets

In my life i had three dogs, all them were very funny and pretty. But for differents causes they dont keep with me. I choose to talk abourt my first dog, Lucky. This was my first dog so I loved him very much, like a mother loves to his first son.

Lucky was a puddle dog, who arrived to my life in my birthday, when I was like 8 years old. He was just a puppy and take care of him were very difficult, but he liked a lot to play. So I had very funny times with him.

Me and my sister decided to put him that name because of a Tv show that we saw in thats days, called Shin Chan, whos names dogs was Locky (or at least that is what we listened), so we changed that a little and named him Lucky.

Resultado de imagen para poodle blancoI was with him until I open the door from the garden and he run away, it happened before but he always came back from his "walk", but that day he never came back. Me and my sister put some posters in the streets so if someone could saw him they would call us. But it  never happened and we never saw Lucky again.

(Reference Photo)

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My Best Concert

Tobogan Andaluz

This concert was in october of the 2018, in Santiago, in the "Club Departamento" which is located in Nuñoa, in the Metro station of "Ñuble".

In that place I could saw the band "Tobogan Andaluz" which is a band from Argentina. The musical genre that they sing is like rock but softer, something like alternative rock. The singer of the band and leader is Facu Tobogan, who also has an independent musical career. Tobogan Andaluz discography is formed by; Viaje de Luz, Luz Satelital, Tobogan Andaluz (their first album) and Fuego en las Naves.

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The concert was located in a place that looked like a department (that explains the name), it was very littele and the place was full. So the atmosphere during the event was of exciment about when the band was going to enter, because the place was so little that you could almost touch the members of the band.

Before the band started the concert another band performed in front of us, it was the Chilean band "Los animales tambien se suicidan", I didn't know this band until I saw them that day, and i they were really good, and until now I hear them. Then the big show started, I had the band like in front of me, and the sound was very good. They sang the songs of all their albums, and all my favourites ones, maybe they skiped one or two, but the rest of the songs were great. I really enjoyed that concert, I loved the band and seeing them live was something unforgettable.

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lunes, 8 de abril de 2019



The country i would like to visit is Brazil, wich is located South America. And is the more biggest country of this continet. 

It is very famous for have one of the biggest territory of the Amazone jungle, and with this the country is benefited been the country with the most diverse wildlife of the world. Also it has a variety of ecological systems and extensive natural resources spanning numerous protected habitats. Brazil borders with every country of South America, exceptin Chile and Ecuador.

I have always been noticed of how fascinating Brazil was, the music and the vibrates of that place has called me the attention since i was a kid.The food and the dance are other things that i love of this place. The people and how they feels about the things have attracted me for a while. I have seemed this through the message that the music and the movies from this place have shown me. It may be a not excelent represent of the country, because it isnt showing all the secrets of this place, like the poberty and the misery, but al least i would like to seen that by myself.

I wolud like to visit this country like a tourist, but not like a common form of going to a hotel and only know the beauty part of the country, wich i also want to visit, if not that all the hiding beautys of this country and the life off the people that lives the reality of this country. So i wolud like to visit all the country or at least the most of their cities, like Sao Paulo, Brazilia or Pará.

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