lunes, 8 de abril de 2019



The country i would like to visit is Brazil, wich is located South America. And is the more biggest country of this continet. 

It is very famous for have one of the biggest territory of the Amazone jungle, and with this the country is benefited been the country with the most diverse wildlife of the world. Also it has a variety of ecological systems and extensive natural resources spanning numerous protected habitats. Brazil borders with every country of South America, exceptin Chile and Ecuador.

I have always been noticed of how fascinating Brazil was, the music and the vibrates of that place has called me the attention since i was a kid.The food and the dance are other things that i love of this place. The people and how they feels about the things have attracted me for a while. I have seemed this through the message that the music and the movies from this place have shown me. It may be a not excelent represent of the country, because it isnt showing all the secrets of this place, like the poberty and the misery, but al least i would like to seen that by myself.

I wolud like to visit this country like a tourist, but not like a common form of going to a hotel and only know the beauty part of the country, wich i also want to visit, if not that all the hiding beautys of this country and the life off the people that lives the reality of this country. So i wolud like to visit all the country or at least the most of their cities, like Sao Paulo, Brazilia or Pará.

Resultado de imagen para brazil

8 comentarios:

  1. I really enjoy the way of travelling that you, also, likes. Maybe one day we find each other on the road

  2. I want to visit Brazil too! I think that the music, the dance and the people are very beautiful and in my blog I post something about the cinema, the film industry in Brazil is amazing, maybe we could talk more about this! Love you

    1. Wow, WHAT A COINCIDENCE. Of course we can, maybe we can go togehter jeje if you want to ;)

  3. I would love to see and know more about the brazilian culture and places, i´ll be aware about your content and hopefully we can met one day <3

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  5. You are right! You shouldn't base your opinon on movies
