lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Pets

In my life i had three dogs, all them were very funny and pretty. But for differents causes they dont keep with me. I choose to talk abourt my first dog, Lucky. This was my first dog so I loved him very much, like a mother loves to his first son.

Lucky was a puddle dog, who arrived to my life in my birthday, when I was like 8 years old. He was just a puppy and take care of him were very difficult, but he liked a lot to play. So I had very funny times with him.

Me and my sister decided to put him that name because of a Tv show that we saw in thats days, called Shin Chan, whos names dogs was Locky (or at least that is what we listened), so we changed that a little and named him Lucky.

Resultado de imagen para poodle blancoI was with him until I open the door from the garden and he run away, it happened before but he always came back from his "walk", but that day he never came back. Me and my sister put some posters in the streets so if someone could saw him they would call us. But it  never happened and we never saw Lucky again.

(Reference Photo)

8 comentarios:

  1. When I was little I loved to see shin chan!, was very funny.

  2. You had told me about this but the full history is much more sad.My dog Amaranto also got lost last yaer. Love u Juan, I understand you.

  3. I hope she´s fine, maybe she is living some adventures right now

  4. Oooh I feel so sad when I read that lucky has disappeared..

  5. I´m so sorry for you, I know that feeling but don´t be disappointed, I´m sure wherever he is he always is going to remember his family<3

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. I´m so sorry for you, I know that feeling but don´t be disappointed, I´m sure wherever he is he always is going to remember his family<3

  8. Aww i'm so sorry for your lost :(! Hopefully he's doing good and that he's in a safe place.
