lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Diego Lorenzini

Diego Lorenzini is a chilean singer, born in Talca. He is famous for his music that could be recognise for his slow sound and frecuently only be acompannied with a guitar, wich  also is played by himself.
He have a lot of singles, but he only have two discs "Pino" and "Trenzas Ad Honrem".
Also he have two known bands, "Tus Amigos Nuevos" and "Varios Artistas", the first one I liked very much. First I knew Tus Amigos Nuevos, and then I met Diego Lorenzini, wich was the vocalist of that band.

Resultado de imagen para diego lorenziniI knew Diego Lorenzini for a web serie called "Tiempos Mozos" wich had like them a song by Lorenzini, also called "Tiempos Mozos". I liked very much this song, so I looked for him in Youtube, and i loved him. Then I discovered that he was the vocalist of "Tus Amigos Nuevos", a band that I listened a lot in that time, wich have a sound very different in comparison with Diego Lorenzini. I even could listened them in a concert, and they were great, it was a very vibrant show.

Diego Lorenzi apart of been a musician he is a great cartoonist, he also makes his own album cover. Wich is known for the simple that it is made. Apart of been known for his music and drawings he is known because he walked with a turtle from Talca to Santiago to write and draw about that experience.

6 comentarios:

  1. I like a lot Diego Lorenzin. All his lycris are amazing!

  2. I love Diego Lorenzini! Motor psico is my favorite song. I hope to go to one of his concerts too.

  3. I had not hear him, but if he appaers in Tiempos mozos he must be really cool

  4. I also knew Diego Lorenzini at "Tiempos Mozos"!!

  5. I didn't know that he is Chilean, but sounds interesting, I think i will give him a try<3

  6. sounds interesting! I'm sorry to say that I did not know about your existence, but I'll give you a moment to listen to it :)
