lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My Best Concert

Tobogan Andaluz

This concert was in october of the 2018, in Santiago, in the "Club Departamento" which is located in Nuñoa, in the Metro station of "Ñuble".

In that place I could saw the band "Tobogan Andaluz" which is a band from Argentina. The musical genre that they sing is like rock but softer, something like alternative rock. The singer of the band and leader is Facu Tobogan, who also has an independent musical career. Tobogan Andaluz discography is formed by; Viaje de Luz, Luz Satelital, Tobogan Andaluz (their first album) and Fuego en las Naves.

Resultado de imagen para tobogan andaluz discografia
The concert was located in a place that looked like a department (that explains the name), it was very littele and the place was full. So the atmosphere during the event was of exciment about when the band was going to enter, because the place was so little that you could almost touch the members of the band.

Before the band started the concert another band performed in front of us, it was the Chilean band "Los animales tambien se suicidan", I didn't know this band until I saw them that day, and i they were really good, and until now I hear them. Then the big show started, I had the band like in front of me, and the sound was very good. They sang the songs of all their albums, and all my favourites ones, maybe they skiped one or two, but the rest of the songs were great. I really enjoyed that concert, I loved the band and seeing them live was something unforgettable.

Resultado de imagen para tobogan andaluz discografia

5 comentarios:

  1. Maybe you should get into the stage and sing with them, they sounds nice guys!

  2. I never listen their music, but sounds cool! Maybe one day I'll listen some of their songs!
    good blog!

  3. I think that your expreriencie was unbelievable! sharing with your favourite band in a small place? that is so cool!

  4. I wanted to go to that concert too but I cuoldn't. It seems that it was as great as I thought.

  5. I wanted to go to that concert too but I cuoldn't. It seems that it was as great as I thought.
